【AAピリパラ街頭報導】台北士林夜市現蹤「小萌虎」!超逼真裸視3D萌翻群眾!Naked-Eye 3D|好動動畫|Aa|Active animation

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Publié le 14 May 2023 / Dans Comment styliser

台北士林夜市現蹤小萌虎!裸視3D(Naked-eye 3D)超逼真萌翻大家!

➤ 士林新地標:大東路與大南路交界口。
{台北士林小萌虎} {士林小萌虎} {小萌虎},萌翻呼應 {新宿東口の猫} {新宿貓}

Night market is one of the most distinctive culture in Taiwan, night market food are popular around the world. In Shihlin night market, in addition to eating delicious food, you can buy clothes, play games and...so on.

Now~We have produced a Naked-Eye 3D advertisement content on Shihlin night market outdoor LED to inform image changes.

The breathtaking visuals, sensual sounds, and elegant scents of the artworks in Naked-Eye 3D provide a spectacularly immersive experience under the theme of "Cats" and be the hottest check-in place again.

The time to pay attention to small and large movements in your busy life and feel inspiration at every moment is a great force that may change me and change the world.

With various global customers, Active animation will continue to provide sensational offline marketing content creation services using digital media technology.

We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. Keep in touch. Thanks for your attention.

Active animation 好動動畫藉由相關廣告實務製作與各種表現形式的透視模擬,邀請大家一同研究了解裸視3D帶來的視覺震撼!裸視3D其原理藉由結合深度、光影、物體的比例及視角,不須戴眼鏡就可以在特定角度及距離享受沉浸式3D效果!

➤ AA好動動畫:https://linktr.ee/active_animation

#士林小萌虎 #小萌虎 #XiaoIMengHu #小萌虎出閘 #lion #cats #ShihlinNightMarket #士林夜市 #NakedEye3d #ledWall #裸視3D #裸眼3D #3D動畫 #好動動畫 #taiwan #超強戰隊 #創作 #動畫 #Aa #Activeanimation #台灣 #動畫工作室 #Animationstudio

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