Recovery Now, LLC | Affordable MAT Clinic in Nashville, TN
Recovery Now, LLC is a trusted MAT clinic in Nashville TN, dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care for those struggling with addiction. We offer medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which uses FDA-approved medications like Suboxone and Vivitrol to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, combined with counseling and therapy for a holistic approach to recovery.
Recovery Now, LLC
4515 Harding Pike, Ste 327, Nashville, TN 37205
(615) 416-8010
My Official Website: https://recoverynowusa.com/
Google Plus Listing: https://maps.google.com/maps?c....id=12955520209984838
My Other Links:
mat clinic near me: https://recoverynowusa.com/locations/suboxone-clinic-nashville/
Suboxone Davidson county: https://recoverynowusa.com/suboxone-davidson-county/
Other Services
Suboxone Treatment
Mat Treatment
Opioid Treatment
OBOT Treatment
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinMa04367836
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